New Year’s Day Orienteering Levee @ Beacon Hill Park
January 1st 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Organizer: Scott Sheldrake (Event Director)
Map: Beacon Hill Park
*** UPDATE ***
Results are now posted! Thanks to all who came out and risked the rain - we ended up having a perfect day. We also had an amazing record turnout with almost 80 participants combing through Beacon Hill Park for controls on the first day of 2025. I'll keep the scorecards for a week so if there are any disputes about points, please call or text me at 250-885-7772 and I can review. Huge thanks to those to helped pick up controls after. Hope to see you out at future events! If you are interested in volunteering at an event, VICO is always looking for more volunteers, please email
Thanks and Happy New Year!
Start off the New Year right! MEET the new club officials! BRING your leftover Christmas dinner and enjoy nibblies for everyone to share! Run through one of Victoria's finest Orienteering Maps!
There will be three course options for New Year's Day :
#1 - Score-O for walkers - Collect the controls in any order - the more controls you collect, the more points you get - some controls are worth more points than others. No need to rush, but there is a 60 minute time limit!
#2 - Score-O for runners - Collect the controls in any order - the more controls you collect, the more points you get - some controls are worth more points than others. Best hurry, there is a 60 minute time limit!
#3 - Memory O - this is a special Advanced Score-O course in which you cannot run with a map, but rather will be required to visit "filling stations" where a map is posted showing all controls. You may study the map for as long as needed, then venture out to visit controls, returning to the map as many times as needed. There will be 3 maps located around Beacon Hill, and the locations of these "filling station maps" will be posted at the start! Can you handle the ultimate challenge of Orienteering from Memory?
What to Bring :
Warm clothes suitable for running in the brisk January weather. Good trail running shoes are recommended, especially for the Intermediate and Advanced courses which may take you off-trail.
$5 for Junior participants, $15 for Adults. No SI chip is required for this event. Registration, waiver and payment are all done in one location using our Zone4 system using the following registration link :
Meeting Location:
At the "Sport Hut" located in the center of Beacon Hill Park near the large playground. Vehicle parking available close by - or park on Dallas Rd and walk in - See map located at the bottom of this page.
Start Time:
Check-in: 12pm-1pm
Mass Start: 1:00pm SHARP
Course Closure: 2pm. Please return to the Start/Finish area before course closure so event staff can begin course cleanup.
Set a 10 minute alarm on your phone or watch! 1 point will be deducted for each minute you are late.
Transit Options for getting to the Event :
1. Public Transit - VICO encourages you to utilize Public Transit to arrive at the event. See for more info
2. via Bicycle - VICO encourages you to travel by Bike to the event! Increase your health, and lower emmissions.12/10/22, 11:01 AM New Year's Day Orienteering Levee
3. Walk - if possible, please leave your car and bike at home and walk to Beacon Hill Park.
4. Carpool - Why not team up with your friends and take 1 car? Parking is limited and you can catch up with your friends