Organizer: Brian Ellis (Host)

OBC financial statements - August 31, 2018.pdf

Consolidated Constitution and Bylaws_2017.docx

Consolidated Constitution and Bylaws_2017_revision_2018.docx


The main point of business, aside from the President’s report, and a financial report from the Treasurer, will be a motion, as a Special Resolution, to accept a revised Constitution and Bylaws.

This revision has two major features – 1) the name of the Association is to be changed to “Orienteering BC”, with corresponding text changes throughout the document; and 2) the original Bylaw (#7) describing the management of the Seal of the Association is to be deleted (as far as I know, we never had an official Seal, and we certainly don’t have one now), with a corresponding re-numbering of the bylaws. Otherwise, there are only minor editorial changes in the revised version, some to deal with typos in the original, and a few to clarify the intent of the bylaw, or to update it (e.g. there will no longer be a Minutes Book, but an on-going record of Minutes will be maintained digitally).

Teleconference phone number: Call in: 1 604 484 1683 (PIN 948072)


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